Saint Valentine's Riddle
My first is Unique – it is the way you consider the beloved one, since a love like the one you share exists nowhere else.
My second is Radiant – this is said about you when you experience true love. It reads happiness in your eyes. Your joie de vivre spurs you on.
My third is Invincible – you could do everything for the loved one, outdo and excel yourself; all in all, give your best.
My fourth is Carnal – like the union of your two bodies, two perfectly harmonious souls.
My fifth is Amity – it is sometimes said that our best friend is our other half, isn't it?
My last is Natural – stay true to yourself. No sham, to love and be loved is a matter of sincerity.
My whole is URICAN.
A state of mind, a style, strong words that suit you so well. It is a love story we would like to share with you.
Happy Saint Valentine's Day to you all.