We know that we are capable of anything. Proof of it is the year that has just gone by since the world has been holding its breath. Today more than ever, it matters to say “thank you”. To be grateful, to thank life for everything that is given to us. To drink in happiness again and to be lucky to be in this existence. To rejoice at the idea of enjoying those we hold dear. And above all, to indulge in recovering…
To recharge batteries… this is what is offered to us by the new Urican campaign “Vitamines”. It presents itself as a relief in our hectic lives from last year on. Its warm and refreshing colours are an invitation to bounce back, to take time to enjoy every moment, to regain strength and to replenish your energy.
Reconnect with nature and its heart. If you can, walk at the rhythm of the singing flora and fauna, of the rocking wind, of sunrays brightening your skin. Breathe in the indwelled scents of vividness, freedom and afterglow. Entrench your feet into the ground and raise your sight to the sky. Take a look at the skyline, towards the future, while enjoying the moment. Turn away from the things that hold you back, from the months spent locked in, to embrace this new freedom once again.
Rethink your life, focus on the essential, redefine the stakes. Cling on to life and to those who feed your being. Energy is in you, in the elements and the beings inhabiting this planet dear to us. Live every opportunity to the full, bring them to fruition, embody your values and your view of afterglow, be fully yourself.
So that, worn with those new sparkling colours, you could draw the surrealist painting of your existence, and thereby focus on what really matters. Redefine lifestyle at the image of the new Urican campaign: make your life a “masterpiece”.
Text: Mahuna Poésie
Photos: Gaël Rapon