Always more. Two harmless words, incidentally. However, they represent on their own the dominant trend of our modern societies’ spirit: the stockpiling race. But a few among us, the hardliners, are opposed to that and live against the flow. It is by looking at the bigger picture in respect to this exhausting and rather aimless race that Urican finds its stance.
The "Avant-garde" campaign is a call to return to get back to the basics. Before we let ourselves get caught by the need to hoard things endlessly. By the thirst of lacking, the fear of not having enough or...not being enough.
Indeed, everything is already here, around us, in us! It is never too late to turn a corner, to activate the interchange in our life and come back to what matters. You can always choose to settle in the present time and in its foundations. Arm yourself with little, and paradoxically be filled with a boundless source of energy. Release yourself from everything and thus get a lot in return.
Let yourself be tempted, change the weight of the scales and rediscover a right balance. A mere nothing is enough to brighten up our lives, to experience, to get a feel for happiness. A mere nothing is enough to make a difference, to assert yourself, to take a stand and to live fully in this existence.
It is the mantra you will find in this new Made in France campaign. The Urican DNA: its style is expressed by underscoring the essential for our outfits. By beating the drum for “no more than necessary”, it puts down roots in “slow life” and its values.
This way, the minimalist style as worthy heir to the Bauhaus movement decks out the Urican glasses. A new form of elegance, always in accordance with the style “à la française”, but free from current strangleholds advocating a glut of fashion. You will find in this campaign the neutral tones dear to the brand, to have a break after the rainbow of emotions and the energy shot of the "Vitamines" campaign. The "Avant-garde" campaign’s subdued hues enhance and go along with the item and its application, no more, no less: a fair balance.
So, what do you intend to do? And what if you slowed down to take time to sight what surrounds you this summer? What if you let yourself be guided by something else than the global atmosphere and left the crowd, lost, on autopilot? How about getting an overview, to get rid of the superfluous and what spoils your vista?
"The belief that nothing changes comes from either bad eyesight or bad faith. The former is corrected, the latter is fought."
Friedrich Nietzsche
Text: Mahuna Poésie
Photos: Axel de Lai